Alawa women

The beauty that

inspires us


"Beauty will save the world"

With this famous statement, the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevski puts words to an echo that resonates in the depths of the heart of man.

But what beauty is it? What needs to be saved in the world? Save yourself from what?

That beauty to which the author refers is abundant in the daily life of these women. Beauty that inspires us, and that shines through, in the way of each one, in the concrete lives that we present to you here.


Alawa women

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Begoña is one of the influencers with the most followers on social networks in Spain at the moment, and her book has become number one in sales within a few days of its publication.
But who is this affable and funny woman who has revolutionized the media landscape based on authenticity and spontaneity?

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Maria and Loreto

This is the first time that in "Mujeres Alawa" we present two women in the same space. They are the same light, but two flames clearly distinguishable from each other. Their lives are already united for...

Maria Teresa

The talk with María Teresa was one of those moments in which the encounter with a person enriches you and heals you at the same time. I say "heal" because we all carry wounds in our hearts that are looking for a balm...

Lucia 2 reduced

Our “Alawa Women” section is inspired by Dostoyevsky's famous phrase where he states that “beauty will save the world”. In Lucía the beauty of her life enveloped us from afar and the more we…


Nothing fills us more in Alawa than when a flash of inner beauty emanating from a woman reaches us and pierces us. In this case, Leticia illuminated us with her life in the way that the headlights…

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Rosa Sanz

Whenever we propose an interview of "Alawa women", it is because some ray of that beauty that a life gives off has crossed and captivated us. With Rosa that happened to us from a distance...


"We are soldiers of God"
We are living in a historic situation for humanity. Circumstances in which the most genuine elements of the human being emerge...


We are in May, the month dedicated to the Mother, and that is why we want to present to you the story of Xandra (Alexandra Morgan), a Mother also with a capital letter. And an "Alawa Woman" who has had the...

Lady with swimsuit

A few years ago, when we dreamed of the Alawa project for the first time, with my sister Flor and our mother, seeking to train ourselves more and more in the world of swimsuits, we went to find someone who…

Mar and Miss Loreto with Alawa gift

Loreto is a girl barely two years old who, from social networks and under the name of "Miss Loreto", squanders happiness and "Life" with capital letters to many people. That life that flows in gushes, frank...


The founder of TELVA magazine, and its director for thirty years, welcomes and captivates us in this interview for Alawa that we present here.
We went up a slim, mirrored elevator that was…


Laura Fontán, Galician, -but with a heart also from Madrid and Vietnam-, is married, the mother of three children, and together with her husband are the founders of Chula: a company that not only designs…


Marta Espina is the second time she has collaborated with Alawa, this time in the campaign for the "Soul" collection. Talented, hard-working and generous, today she also shares some things with us...

Rosa Pich-Aguilera Roca, is the mother of 18 children, author of the successful book "How to be happy with 1,2,3 ... children", passionate about "Life", the family, her Faith, and also fashion . With her husband, who passed away just a year ago, she has traveled the entire world giving conferences and supporting families and [...]
Malén Burgos Albacar, has collaborated with Alawa as a model in our recent “Soul” collection campaign. She is a great friend of the house and her life for us is a clear example of overcoming adversity. Here we tell you only a very small part of their struggles and their achievements, although you can [...]


Inspire us with your story